[course] The culture hack curriculum
[book, 1962] The structure of scientific revolutions
[book, 1971] Deschooling society
[book, 1975] Against Method
[article, 1980] Do artifacts have politics?
[book, 1994] Simulacra and simulation
[book, 2001] Panarchy
[book, 2006] The varieties of scientific experience
[documentary, 2011] All watched over by machines of loving grace
[article, 2016] A brief introduction to decolonial computing
[article, 2016] Three horizons
[book, 2016] The minor gesture
[article, 2017] Degrowth, anthropology, and activist research
[book, 2020] When we cease to understand the world
[course, 2023] Methods and techniques of social research
See also Ethics of technology.