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:fairy:The dream of redistributing the extracted value

“Science is not enough, religion is not enough, art is not enough, politics and economics are not enough, nor is love, nor is duty, nor is action, however disinterested, nor, however sublime, is contemplation. Nothing short of everything will really do.” – Aldous Huxley

Economic History :money_with_wings:

“once the global system of credit money was entirely unpegged from gold, the world entered a new financial history – one that nobody completely understands.” – David Graeber

[course] Economics of money and banking
[course] Global history of capitalism
[course] Just money
[article, 1935] What is money for?
[book, 1973] Small is beautiful
[book, 1999] The gift
[book, 2004] Caliban and the witch
[book, 2006] Banker to the poor
[book, 2011] Sacred economics
[book, 2011] Debt
[book, 2015] The mushroom at the end of the world
[book, 2015] Sapiens
[book, 2018] Bullshit jobs

Protocol Design :construction_worker_woman:

“Gradually, the economic language of transactional relationships based on calculations, labor, debt, payments, returns, and wages need to be replaced by a metabolic language of dis-eased exchanges.” – Vanessa Machado de Oliveira

[course] Game theory 1
[course] Game theory 2
[article, 1970] On the measurement of inequality
[article, 1971] Optimal taxation and public production I
[article, 1971] Optimal taxation and public production II
[article, 1976] The design of tax structure
[article, 1977] Is the price system or rationing more effective in getting a commodity to those who need it most?
[article, 1991] Public provision of public goods and the redistribution of income
[article, 2003] Maps of bounded rationality
[article, 2013] Market and non-market mechanisms for the optimal allocation of scarce resources
[article, 2017] Property is only another name for monopoly
[article, 2017] The barriers to overthrowing internet feudalism
[article, 2020] Redistributive allocation mechanisms
[article, 2021] File geolocation via anchor timestamping
[article, 2022] Constant function market making, social welfare and maximal extractable value
[presentation, 2022] Ultra Sound Money
[article, 2024] Airdrops
[article, 2024] Estimating validator decentralization using p2p data

See also:

Public Goods :ocean:

“Rather than wealth holders having an inherent right to make decisions on how this communal wealth should be allocated, we see a burden with disproportionate responsibility that has consequences that cannot be understood from our current vantage point.” – Alnoor Ladha and Lynn Murphy

[course] Effective altruism
[course, in Spanish] Los bienes comunes en la discusión latinoamericana
[podcast] The regeneration will be funded
[treaty, 1966] International covenant on economic, social and cultural rights
[book, 1990] Governing the commons
[book, 1999] The cathedral and the bazaar
[book, 2002] Free software, free society
[article, 2010] Guide to actionable measurement
[book, 2012] Coding freedom
[article, 2021] Positive sum worlds
[book, 2022] Post capitalist philantropy
[video, 2023] Post capitalist philantropy webinar

See also:

Critical Studies of Science :robot:

[book, 1962] The structure of scientific revolutions
[book, 1975] Against Method
[article, 1980] Do artifacts have politics?
[book, 1994] Simulacra and simulation
[book, 2001] Panarchy
[book, 2006] The varieties of scientific experience
[documentary, 2011] All watched over by machines of loving grace
[article, 2016] A brief introduction to decolonial computing
[article, 2016] Three horizons
[book, 2016] The minor gesture
[article, 2017] Degrowth, anthropology, and activist research
[book, 2020] When we cease to understand the world
[course, 2023] Methods and techniques of social research

See also Ethics of technology.

The Global South :arrow_lower_left:

[book, 1961] The wretched of the Earth
[declaration, 2005] Fourth declaration of the Lacandon jungle
[book, 2010] Staying alive
[book, 2017] These wilds beyond our fences
[book, 2019] Phone and spear
[book, 2021] Hospicing Modernity
[article, 2022] Decolonizing money
[declaration, 2022] The Milpamérica declaration
[article, 2022] Buen vivir as a territorial practice

Religious Ecology :pray:

“If we surrender to Earth’s intelligence we could rise up rooted, like trees.” – Rainer Maria Rilke

[course] Religions and Ecology: Restoring the Earth Community
[magazine] Emergence Magazine
[podcast] Beloved Futures
[podcast] Sounds of sand
[book, 400 BC] Tao te ching
[book, 1971] Be here now
[book, 1988] The return of the bird tribes
[article, 1988] Dadirri
[book, 1990] The one-straw revolution
[book, 1997] The four agreements
[book, 1998] Interbeing
[declaration, 2000] Earth charter
[poems, 2005] Rilke’s Book of hours
[article, 2009] The great turning
[book, 2014] Ecology and religion
[book, 2014] Coming back to life
[article, 2016] Seeing Wetiko
[book, 2020] Sand talk
[prayer, 2023] by Pat Maccabe, Woman Stands Shining

See also Entheogens.

More-than-human Storytelling :sunflower:

“SF is a sign for science fiction, speculative feminism, science fantasy, speculative fabulation, science fact, and also, string figures.” – Donna Haraway.

[poem] Prison cell, by Mahmoud Darwish
[podcast] The emerald
[podcast] For the wild
[book, 1962] Island
[poem, 1967] All watched over by machines of loving grace
[book, 1972] The word for world is forest
[book, 1974] The dispossesed
[book, 1975] Animal liberation
[article, 1986] The carrier bag theory of fiction
[book, 2000] The animals came dancing
[book, 2010] Becoming animal
[book, 2012] The spell of the sensuous
[book, 2013] Braiding sweetgrass
[book, 2016] Staying with the trouble
[book, 2021] World as lover, world as self
[article, 2022] Afrofuturism
[book, 2022] The flowering wand
[article, 2023] Save the human animal earthlings
[course, 2023] Reworlding fellowship
[course, 2023] We will dance with mountains


3 posts were split to a new topic: Bookmarks relevant for retroactive public goods funding researchers

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Bookmarks relevant for identity researchers

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3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Bookmarks relevant for carbon credits researchers

This is a project I like, from friends I like.

With them I research about passive and active regeneration, human intervention or human banishment.

tldr; I think we are a mess with no solution. We should leave most of the earth alone so it can regenerate itself, while we inhabit small areas experimenting on solar punk interspecies relations.

hello friend! i think it would be good to index your links & categorize them for easier discovery? wdyt?

I agree. But not yet, I haven’t even discovered the categories. Once I have explored a little more I will come back and edit the first post.


3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Bookmarks relevant for Universal Basic Income researchers

Thanks to @taarushv for this link.

The approaches that quantify human impact on nature, conservation and restoration, like carbon credits, can disconnect humans from their position and role in the universe. I think what is needed is to strengthen our connection with everything more-than-human. With awe, joy, and gratitude towards nature and the universe, taking responsibility for our actions should be direct and obvious, a priority and not an afterthought.

I’m looking at religion, myth, and ritual to recover that connection. This book has been very useful for me:

«Religious ecologies are ways of orienting and grounding whereby humans […] undertake specific practices of nurturing and transforming self and community in a particular cosmological context that regards nature as inherently valuable.»

  • Orienting through stories and practices, symbols and rituals, meditation and prayer.
  • Grounding to negotiate tragedy and loss, contingency and finitude.
  • Nurture individuals and communities to live amid uncertainty and pain with joy, hope, and even laughter.
  • Transform the human to activate healing and reconciliation so that comprehensive compassion may flow into the world.

I’m now checking out their course:

This is very challenging. How do we add a spiritual dimension to the blockchain? How do we add these rituals for connection into our game theory models? These researchers talking about the transformational power of religion use three interpretative approaches on their investigation: retrieval, reevaluation, and reconstruction. I think part of that is rewriting old maladjusted practices and creating our new solar punk mythology based on what we have learned.

With a related perspective, this magazine was a very good company for me during the year of isolation and panic.

by @nikete, thanks to @sxysun for sharing this link.

The Earth Charter is a document with sixteen principles, organized under four pillars, that seek to turn conscience into action.
It seeks to inspire in all people a new sense of global interdependence and shared responsibility for the well-being of the whole human family, the greater community of life, and future generations. It is a vision of hope and a call to action.

«The spirit of human solidarity and kinship with all life is strengthened when we live with reverence for the mystery of being, gratitude for the gift of life, and humility regarding the human place in nature.»

«Transform money from its current universalist commodity form, based in colonialism, to different ones based on autonomy, community, and care.»

«To counter both state and capital, the enactment of the three territories of defense [territory-body, territory-land, territory-money] would mean the creation of a democratic money commons, powered by people as an unconditional share, an income derived from the socially produced wealth in the planet, administered by communities locally, sharing their labor and their land.»

Here are my highlights:

Sacred Economics traces the history of money from ancient gift economies to modern capitalism, revealing how the money system has contributed to alienation, competition, and scarcity, destroyed community, and necessitated endless growth.

Today, these trends have reached their extreme - but in the wake of their collapse, we may find great opportunity to transition to a more connected, ecological, and sustainable way of being.

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