Announcing Suave-std

Hello everyone!

Exciting news! We’re thrilled to announce the launch of a new SUAVE repository called suave-std. This repository is designed to be the go-to resource for developers looking to build Suapps.

suave-std offers a collection of helpful Solidity contracts and libraries that streamline the development process for Suapps by providing essential building blocks, SDKs, and patterns that developers might find useful.

One of the key motivations behind suave-std is to address recurring challenges faced by developers when building Suapps, especially those interfacing with external domains requiring complex encoding or decoding.

Key features of suave-std include:

  • SDKs for seamless interaction with external protocols like MevShare or sendings bundles to relays.
  • Encoding, decoding, and signing Ethereum transactions
  • Native support to use Forge to build and test Suapps.

As we continue to evolve suave-std, future improvements will include more protocol implementations to interact with services like Binance and OpenAI and extending the Forge integration to send confidential requests from within Forge scripts.

Explore the repository, contribute, and your feedback is greatly appreciated!
