The MEV Letter #60

The MEV Letter is a weekly collection of papers, articles and resources related to MEV. The intention of this letter is to provide a comprehensive summary of the latest research, discussions, and developments in the space, with links for further reading.

Papers & Articles

Posts & Threads

  • Frieder Erdmann published a thread outlining a TEE EVM as a new TEE built on the EVM for secure and private computation.
  • Mazh published a post detailing how the Azuki and Flashbots collaboration leverages TEEs to enable secure, private interactions, protecting users’ data and ensuring confidentiality.
  • Toni Wahrstätter published a post to highlight the centralization of block building due to private order flow and its implications on censorship resistance and multi-slot MEV
  • Chorus One published a post detailing how preconfirmations via Commit-Boost will improve the speed, security, and reliability of transactions.
  • PBS Foundation published a thread to highlight their curated list of resources related to PBS and MEV.

Talks & Discussions


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