T(EE)-Stack demo: running a validator in TDX

This is the follow along tutorial for the T-Stack demo shown at zuberlin - running a validator in TDX using the yocto minimal VM.

Setting up the yocto minimal VM

Follow the Getting Started instructions here, making sure all dependencies are installed.

Create an empty directory to hold your working files.

mkdir validator_demo
cd validator_demo

Clone the Yocto meta layer source using yocto manifest as show below.

repo init -u https://github.com/flashbots/yocto-manifests.git -b tdx

Fetch all the repositories.

repo sync

Setup the Yocto OE Init scripts by sourcing setup script.

source setup

Build the image by using the provided Makefile. Note that this will take time.

make build

Adding lighthouse to the image

Create the directory for the lighthouse bitbake recipe

mkdir srcs/poky/meta-evm/recipes-nodes/lighthouse

While yocto is nice for reproducible builds, it is not straight forward to add rust projects into it’s native build system. We’re going to build lighthouse statically outside of yocto - assuming this can be done in a reproducible way - and then our yocto bitbake recipe will only copy the binary into the image.

git clone https://github.com/sigp/lighthouse
cd lighthouse
RUSTFLAGS="-C target-feature=+crt-static" cargo build --target x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu --release
cd ../

Copy the statically linked binary into the recipe directory

cp lighthouse/target/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lighthouse srcs/poky/meta-evm/recipes-nodes/lighthouse

Add the lighthouse recipe

cat <<EOF > srcs/poky/meta-evm/recipes-nodes/lighthouse/lighthouse_dev.bb
DESCRIPTION = "Copy binary to the image"
BINARY = "lighthouse"
SRC_URI += "file://${BINARY}"
SRC_URI += "file://init"
S = "${WORKDIR}"

INITSCRIPT_PARAMS = "defaults 99"

inherit update-rc.d

do_install() {
  install -d ${D}${bindir}
  install -m 0777 ${BINARY} ${D}${bindir}
	install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d
        cp init ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/${BINARY}
        chmod 755 ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/${BINARY}
FILES_${PN} += "${bindir}"

Add an init script to run the lighthouse validator client on startup

cat <<EOF > srcs/poky/meta-evm/recipes-nodes/lighthouse/init
# Provides:		lighthouse
# Required-Start:	$remote_fs $syslog $networking
# Required-Stop:	$remote_fs $syslog
# Default-Start:	2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop:		1
# Short-Description:	Start and stop the lighthouse daemon

DESC="Validator Client"

start() {
	echo -n "Starting $DESC: "
	mount -o remount,size=90% /var/volatile
	start-stop-daemon -S -p $PIDFILE -N -10 -b -a /bin/sh -- -c "exec ${DAEMON} \
		vc \
		--beacon-nodes https://www.lightclientdata.org/ \
		2>&1 | tee /tmp/log"
	echo "$NAME."

stop() {
	echo -n "Stopping $DESC: "
	start-stop-daemon -K -x "$DAEMON" -p $PIDFILE
	echo "$NAME."
case "$1" in
	echo "Usage: $N {start|stop|restart|reload}" >&2
	exit 1
exit 0

Now add lighthouse to the final image by adding it to the initramfs dependencies in the file srcs/poky/meta-confidential-compute/recipes-core/images/cvm-initramfs.bb

diff --git a/recipes-core/images/cvm-initramfs.bb b/recipes-core/images/cvm-initramfs.bb
index 97bed6b..638cc02 100644
--- a/recipes-core/images/cvm-initramfs.bb
+++ b/recipes-core/images/cvm-initramfs.bb
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ first 'init' program more efficiently. core-image-tiny-initramfs doesn't \
 actually generate an image but rather generates boot and rootfs artifacts \
 that can subsequently be picked up by external image generation tools such as wic."
-CVM_DEPS = "busybox-mdev e2fsprogs-resize2fs parted init-ifupdown initscripts base-files base-passwd netbase busybox-udhcpd"
+CVM_DEPS = "lighthouse busybox-mdev e2fsprogs-resize2fs parted init-ifupdown initscripts base-files base-passwd netbase busybox-udhcpd"
 PACKAGE_INSTALL = "e2fsprogs-mke2fs ca-certificates sysvinit busybox-udhcpd dropbear ${CVM_DEPS} ${VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_base-utils} ${ROOTFS_BOOTSTRAP_INSTALL}"

Finally rebuild the image

make build

Different image flavours can now be found in this directory:

ls -l srcs/poky/build/tmp/deploy/images/tdx/
lrwxrwxrwx 2 ubuntu ubuntu       45 Jun 12 16:28 cvm-image-azure-tdx.rootfs.wic -> cvm-image-azure-tdx.rootfs-20240612162808.wic
lrwxrwxrwx 2 ubuntu ubuntu       51 Jun 12 16:28 cvm-image-azure-tdx.rootfs.wic.qcow2 -> cvm-image-azure-tdx.rootfs-20240612162808.wic.qcow2
lrwxrwxrwx 2 ubuntu ubuntu       49 Jun 12 16:28 cvm-image-azure-tdx.rootfs.wic.vhd -> cvm-image-azure-tdx.rootfs-20240612162808.wic.vhd

Run the VM locally

cd srcs/poky
source oe-init-build-env
ln -s "$PWD/tmp/work/x86_64-linux/qemu-helper-native/1.0/recipe-sysroot-native/usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64" "$PWD/tmp/work/x86_64-linux/qemu-helper-native/1.0/recipe-sysroot-native/usr/bin/tdx"
runqemu cvm-image-azure wic nographic kvm ovmf qemuparams="-m 8G, -net nic,model=virtio -net user"

Run the VM in TDX

Make sure your on a TDX capable bare metal machine. Ubuntu 24.04 required.

git clone https://github.com/canonical/tdx

Follow the steps to setup the host.

sudo ./tdx/setup-tdx-host.sh

Start the VM

TD_IMG=$PWD/srcs/poky/build/tmp/deploy/images/tdx/cvm-image-azure-tdx.rootfs.wic.qcow2 ./tdx/guest-tools/run_td.sh

Connect to the VM. SSH is enabled for development reasons, but no access should be allowed in a production environment.

ssh -p 10022 root@localhost

Verify lighthouse is running

ps | grep lighthouse
tail -f /tmp/log 

Interesting. About:

While yocto is nice for reproducible builds, it is not straight forward to add rust projects into it’s native build system. We’re going to build lighthouse statically outside of yocto - assuming this can be done in a reproducible way - and then our yocto bitbake recipe will only copy the binary into the image.

Do you recommend another build framework for rust projects? Also, what would you use to orchestrate a local development environment, for faster re-builds / debugging?

Do you recommend another build framework for rust projects?

We’re currently working on building rust applications reproducibly using Nix. Once compiled statically, these can be then used in the yocto VM.

Also, what would you use to orchestrate a local development environment, for faster re-builds / debugging?

I’ve added a section that shows how to boot the VM with Qemu - without TDX capable hardware.

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For deterministic build tooling, y’all might want to check out: public/stagex: A security and minimalism focused repository of reproducible, reputation signed software packages distributed as OCI containers. - Forgejo: Beyond coding. We Forge.

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Thanks @emostov !

Unfortunately stagex only provides musl libc, whereas for some of our dependencies we are reliant on glibc.

You should be able to package glibc with stagex to be used as alternative. But curious, what deps strictly need glibc?

reth’s libmdbx dependency isn’t compatible with musl

Is it this specifically: reth/crates/storage/libmdbx-rs/mdbx-sys/libmdbx at main · paradigmxyz/reth · GitHub ?

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@emostov would you be interested in contributing a PoC of building Reth using stagex? We’ll be happy to work with you and assist wherever needed.

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I don’t have think have the bandwidth atm, but you pop into the matrix chat for #stagex:matrix.org - there might be people who can get this going (see here if you are using the element web client https://app.element.io/#/room/#stagex:matrix.org)

Sounds like mdbx can be compile without glibc by setting the flag: MDBX_DISABLE_GNU_SOURCE

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