SUAVE Office Hours

We’ll begin hosting SUAVE Office Hours next week 2024-08-14T16:00:00Z.

  1. Join the call here if you’re keen.
  2. See all future calls happening on the Flashbots Calendar.

SUAVE Office Hours aims to spotlight developers so that we can understand together how to build better SUAPPs, providing a comprehensive walkthrough of working with SUAVE while discussing tradeoffs and design constraints. On the way we will be discussing SUAVE idioms and design patterns to build a common understanding, generate content and tutorials for SUAPP development, and demonstrate the process by building SUAPPs live.

Next week will be a special edition hosted by @dmarz who has some exciting news to share and a few awesome demos to unveil. It’s not to be missed.

We look forward to working in the open as a community in order to create the kinds of SUAPPs that we all need to continue illuminating, democratizing and distributing the value created on and with the shared protocols we use.