Request for SUAPP: One Shot Signature

Fourth of the Offslack Specs.


We define the notion of one-shot signatures, which are signatures where any secret key can be used to sign only a single message, and then self-destructs. While such signatures are of course impossible classically, we construct one-shot signatures using quantum no-cloning. In particular, we show that such signatures exist relative to a classical oracle, which we can then heuristically obfuscate using known indistinguishability obfuscation schemes. - :link:Source

The above source uses the no-cloning theorem, but perhaps we could use TEEs! This would look like the TEE managing a key and only allowing it to be used for a signature once.


This could be implemented as a package in the SUAVE standard library.

Desired functionality:

  • Generate new one shot pubkey (w/ some source of randomness?)
  • Get Generated pubkeys
  • Transfer Owner and up keeping ownership map
  • Sign message with pubkey
  • Verify whether pubkey is used or not


interface OneShot {
function generate() returns (bytes memory); //returns pubkey
function sign(bytes pubkey) returns (bytes memory) // returns signature
function getPubkeys() reutrns (address[] memmory)
function transferOwner(bytes pubkey, address newOwner) reutrns (address[] memmory)

h/t: @Ferran


One open question is how can we let other domains know of the one shot signature keys as they look like regular ECDSA SECP2561k. Perhaps we could publish a merkle trie root of keys? Or maybe we could use a form of hierarchical key derivation to know a public key came from a specific parent key that can only generate TEE based one shot signature keys.

Can we also expand this pattern to one shot programs?

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Interesting. Could this be used as a replacement for sessions keys?

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Interesting. Could this be used as a replacement for sessions keys?

I think they could be one specific implementation of them!

Didn’t see this thread, but just pointing out this PoC

@socrates1024 so we had a problem in the past with offchain transactions having a race with the onchain ones, and you can see it between the following:

  1. user A calls offchain_keygen
  2. user B calls offchain_keygen, which will overwrite the volatile mykey
  3. user A calls onchain_keygen
  4. noone has the keys to the contract

Why I’m saying this is that it’s not actually simple to fix this issue. One way that could work would be to store “mykey-address” in the volatile store right?

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sure, I was imagining this example being used by a self-hosted kettle, but sure I agree with this solution

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