Thanks to @socrates1024 for sharing this link.
Sean Carroll’s Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas: 247 | Samuel Bowles on Economics, Cooperation, and Inequality
Episode webpage: Sean Carroll’s Mindscape Podcast – Sean Carroll
This link was shared by @mateusz.
On Being with Krista Tippett: Resmaa Menakem — ‘Notice the Rage; Notice the Silence’
Episode webpage: Resmaa Menakem — 'Notice the Rage; Notice the Silence' | The On Being Project
On Being with Krista Tippett: Robin DiAngelo and Resmaa Menakem — Towards a Framework for Repair
Episode webpage: Robin DiAngelo and Resmaa Menakem — Towards a Framework for Repair | The On Being Project
2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Reboot and Kernel
Who sings to the plants
That are grown for our plates?
Are they gathered lovingly
In aprons or arms?
Or do they suffer the fate
Of the motor-driven whip
Of the monster reaper?
No song at all only
The sound of money
Being stacked in a bank
Who stitched the seams in my clothes
One line after another?
Was the room sweaty and dark
With no hour to spare?
Did she have enough to eat?
Did she have a home anywhere?
Or did she live on the floor?
And where were the children?
Or was the seamstress the child
With no home of his or her own?
Who sacrifices to make clothes
For strangers of another country?
And why?
Let’s remember to thank the grower of food
The picker, the driver,
The sun and the rain.
Let’s remember to thank each maker of stitch
And layer patter,
The dyer of color
In the immense house of beauty and pain.
. . .
Let’s honor the maker.
Let’s honor what’s made.
Joy Harjo, in An american sunrise
[In Spanish]
Episodio 4. El evangelio (del bitcoin) según Bukele
Bukele convirtió a El Salvador en el primer país en adoptar Bitcoin como moneda de curso legal de manera rápida y opaca, sin el apoyo de la población y con una ley que dejaba muchas preguntas. Le funcionó como publicidad… fuera del país. En este episodio llegamos hasta El Zonte, la zona cero del experimento salvadoreño con las criptomonedas, donde un periodista que ha cubierto esta historia desde el principio nos ayuda a entender el impacto de esta medida en la economía local. Escuchamos también las voces de la comunidad que no puede comprar una propiedad porque los precios se han disparado, o que es desalojada para construir proyectos turísticos; mientras tanto, los seguidores de esta propuesta, que busca romper con el sistema financiero tradicional, insisten en las ventajas de su aplicación. El ‘plan piloto’ de la criptoeconomía salvadoreña ha dejado claro que una ilusión libre de impuestos puede costarle caro a la población local.
A post was merged into an existing topic: Reboot and Kernel
The Integral Stage: LOVE THE SYSTEM w/ Forrest Wilson
Episode webpage: LOVE THE SYSTEM w/ Forrest Wilson by The Integral Stage