Open hardware

Share your links here :spider_web: .

[article] Open Source Hardware Definition
[project] Betrusted
[blog] Bunnie’s blog


[article, 2020] Securing the boot process


[course] Introduction to RISC-V
[course] Building a RISC-V CPU core
[course] Computer architecture with an industrial RISC-V core
[notes] RISC-V cheat sheet
[article] RISC-V - Debian Wiki
[notes] LicheePi 4A board
[video, 2023] Self-Hosting (Almost) All The Way Down

See also:

This link was shared by @Quintus.

This link was shared by @Quintus.
Sonata is a platform that puts CHERIoT hardware in the hands of embedded systems engineers.
The CHERIoT technology was initially created by Microsoft using lowRISC’s RISC-V Ibex® core and based on the CHERI research at the University of Cambridge and SRI International. CHERI mitigates memory safety vulnerabilities such as buffer overflows and use after free. On top of this, CHERIoT capabilities allow for scalable and efficient compartmentalisation, which is essential if you want to run untrusted software on your embedded systems.

Systemd takes steps toward a more secure boot process