Mempool Dumpster - a Free Mempool Transaction Archive

Different sources run in various global regions, and based on that MD should have a pretty good global picture of the mempool at any time.

The main MD collector service runs in Scandinavia, which can affect the recorded latencies.

Bloxroute provides MD with a free subscription to the highest plan with best performance.

What does this dataSize mean? Is that a size in bytes I think?

Yes, it’s the number of bytes: mempool-dumpster/common/txsfile.go at 7dd7061fc3f2a4128abe7fd0d1d88d56186be9e5 · flashbots/mempool-dumpster · GitHub

any plans to support other chains besides mainnet? E.g. testnents like holesky and sepolia

Are there also any plans to support dencun blobs sometime soonish?