Getting cors error in sendRawTransaction function from reactjs localhost

Hello everyone ,I need some help for transfer ethers using flashbots sendRawTransction on testnet from reactjs localhost.
I am getting the cors error in sendRawTransaction request , can anyone help me out.
Access to fetch at relay-goerli.flashbots from origin localhost:3000 has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn’t pass access control check: No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is present on the requested resource. If an opaque response serves your needs, set the request’s mode to ‘no-cors’ to fetch the resource with CORS disabled.

used relay-goerli.flashbots

sendTransaction = (
message = “”,
callback = null
) => {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
try {
const authSigner = Wallet.createRandom();
let result = null;
// Flashbots provider requires passing in a standard provider
const flashbotsProvider = await FlashbotsBundleProvider.create(
this.PROVIDER, // a normal ethers.js provider, to perform gas estimiations and nonce lookups
authSigner, // ethers.js signer wallet, only for signing request payloads, not transactions
// {
// headers:{
// // “Accept”:“application/json, application/xml”,
// “Content-Type”:“application/json”,
// “Access-Control-Allow-Origin” : “",
// // “Access-Control-Allow-Credentials”: true,
// // “Access-Control-Allow-Methods”: "
// },
// // fetchOptions:{
// // // mode : “no-cors”,
// // // referrer : window.location.origin
// // // “Cache-Control”: “no-cache”
// // },
// },

    const block = await this.PROVIDER.getBlock();

    const blockBaseFee = Number(block.baseFeePerGas);
    const gasLimit = block.gasLimit;
    console.log("block gasLimit", gasLimit);
    const blockNumber = block.number;
    const maxBaseFeeInFutureBlock =
      FlashbotsBundleProvider.getMaxBaseFeeInFutureBlock(blockBaseFee, 6);
    const blocksTry = [];
    // this.PROVIDER.on("block", async (block) => {
    // console.log(`block: ${block}`);
    // const blockNumber = block;
    let targetBlock = Number(blockNumber);
    console.log("targetBlock", targetBlock);
    console.log("Starting to run the simulation...");
    const amountEther = Web3.utils.toWei(amount.toString(), "ether");
    console.log("amont ether", amountEther);
    const transactionBundle = [
        signer: this.SIGNER,
        transaction: {
          chainId: chainId,
          type: 2,
          // maxFeePerGas: 300000000000,
          maxFeePerGas: PRIORITY_FEE.add(maxBaseFeeInFutureBlock),
          maxPriorityFeePerGas: PRIORITY_FEE,
          // gasLimit:  gasLimit,
          gasLimit: 3000000,
          value: amountEther,
          data: ethers.utils.hexlify(ethers.utils.toUtf8Bytes(message)),
          to: toAddress,
    console.log("before sign data", transactionBundle);
    const signedTx = await flashbotsProvider.signBundle(

    console.log("signedTx", signedTx);
    const sim = await flashbotsProvider.simulate(signedTx, targetBlock + 1);
    console.log("sim", sim);
    if ("error" in sim || sim.firstRevert !== undefined) {
      console.log("sim error", sim.error.message);
      reject("Transaction failed please try again!");
      // continue;
    for (let i = 1; i <= 30; i++) {
      console.log("try block count", blocksTry.length);

      if (blocksTry.length >= 30) {
        reject("transaction failed please try again!");

      // const block = await this.PROVIDER.getBlock(blockNumber)

      // console.log("block",block,"blockNumber",blockNumber);

      const bundleSubmission = await flashbotsProvider.sendRawBundle(
        targetBlock + i
      console.log("bundleSubmissionbundle", bundleSubmission);
      const bundleResolution = await bundleSubmission.wait();
      console.log("bundleResolutionbundleResolution", bundleResolution);
      if (bundleResolution === FlashbotsBundleResolution.BundleIncluded) {
        console.log(`Congrats, included in ${targetBlock}`);
        result = sim;
        console.log("success transaction", sim);
        // console.log(JSON.stringify(sim, null, 2));
      } else if (
        bundleResolution ===
      ) {
        console.log(`Not included in ${targetBlock}`);
      } else if (
        bundleResolution === FlashbotsBundleResolution.AccountNonceTooHigh
      ) {
        console.log("Nonce too high, bailing");
        reject("Transaction failed please try again!");

    // });
  } catch (error) {
    callback && callback(error?.message);


please help me out.