Hi everyone, I’m a novice user and looking for some usage clarification. In order to integrate frontrunning protection I’ve sent a couple of transactions to relay-goerli.flashbots.net using eth_sendPrivateTransaction method (with opted builders:["default"]) and got hashes in response. However, they did not applied on-chain and were expired and dropped. My first question here, Is there rpc call “works” on goerli as expected or I have missed something?
My second question here, I mean, I need some clarification, can I use eth_sendPrivateTransaction method for broadcasting from an application, or should I do it in more sophisticated way using bundles?
I will try to do another one and let you know, 0x1d6b2d70a1422e30cfbfd9375f268842f45ffba9 is an auth signature addr which was associated with those transactions.
UPD: my recent tx 0x601a4fbd1189a492c8aa0f4f4ddf9bac207b0fa2b06e7da6611165829cea32f6 was accepted!
Ok cool, I pinged internally for folks to take a look. Goerli can be a bit unreliable because only a small number of validators are running mev-boost and other builders submit too
We don’t have high inclusion rate on the goerli testnet. Here is an address of our builder https://goerli.etherscan.io/address/0xb636a68f834b4d75af9edc5fb0138bb4758ed293 if you see tx there it means that we created a block. You can try increasing tx fees significantly so that our builder wins a block with your tx.