Flashbots Bundle Relay API Upgrades

We have a few important upgrades coming to the Flashbots Bundle Relay API!

  • new methods with PoS related fields: flashbots_getBundleStatsV2 and flashbots_getUserStatsV2
  • bundle cancellations
  • switch from HTTP to JSON-RPC standards for success and error responses

New Methods with POS related fields:

  1. flashbots_getBundleStatsV2 has two new fields:
    • consideredByBuildersAt contains timestamps indicating when a builder considered the bundle for the target block
    • sealedByBuildersAt contains timestamps indicating when a builder built a full block containing the bundle
  2. flashbots_getUserStatsV2 renames miner fields to validator

:exclamation: flashbots_getBundleStats and flashbots_getUserStats will be deprecated on March 31, 2023, please use V2 methods!

Searcher clients will be updated to include V2 stats and cancellations:


All upgrades have been deployed to:

:exclamation: Upgrades will be deployed to Mainnet Production next week.