Crucible Hackathon: Layer 2 Rust Block Production Exploration

:busts_in_silhouette: Team Information

  • Team Name: Just me
  • Team Members:

:computer: Project Repository

  • GitHub Link: <OS SOON :soon:>

:dart: Project Goal

  • Project Name: L2 Reth experimentation.
  • Brief Description:
    • What is the primary goal of your project?
      • Research how to integrate custom block-building algorithms as Reth modules.
      • Research how the block-building codebase can be modularised as much as possible to handle both Ethereum and Op chains.

:wrench: Challenges

  • Challenges Faced:
    • What were the major challenges your team encountered during the hackathon?
      • Getting familiar with Reth and Rust.
      • Setting up an Optimism devnet.

:rocket: Current State

  • Project Status at the End of Hackathon:
    • What features are complete? The builder was able to build blocks for Optimism.
    • What is still a work in progress? Yes
    • Are there any known bugs or issues? Block building frequency is too high due to a possible bug in timestamps.
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