IQ 5 Confidential Data Store Pricing Idea:
- when you instantiate your SUAPP, it enters into a contract with the enshrined “StorageAllocator” contract
- contract terms are:
* - initial price is dead simple: we use the price that we pay per mb in AWS and we only have 1 replica available.
- for recurring contracts the storage allocator is able to transfer money out of the SUAPP automatically to avoid the SUAPP deployer to have to manually re-trigger the contract. Could also expose API to update contract terms
- This does not take into account storage scarcity at all!
When a SUAPP attempts to call storageContract.StoreData(xyz)
, it will fail or succeed based on its set up and payment status/ policy.
Contract Storage Interface
interface IStorageContract {
// Function to set a new storage policy
function setStoragePolicy(StoragePolicy memory policy) external;
**** // Function to calculate the current price based on the storage policy
function calculatePrice() external view returns (uint);
// Variables representing storage contract terms
function numberOfReplicas() external view returns (uint);
function duration() external view returns (uint); // Duration in days
function totalDataAllocation() external view returns (uint); // Total data allocation in GB
function storagePrice() external view returns (uint);
// Struct to hold storage policy details
struct StoragePolicy {
uint numberOfReplicas;
uint duration; // in days
uint totalDataAllocation; // in GB
Sample Contract Storage Instantiation
contract StorageContract {
uint public numberOfReplicas;
uint public duration; // in days
uint public totalDataAllocation; // in GB
uint public storagePrice;
address public suappContract;
// Struct to hold storage policy details
struct StoragePolicy {
uint numberOfReplicas;
uint duration;
uint totalDataAllocation;
constructor(uint _storagePrice, address _suappContract) {
storagePrice = _storagePrice;
suappContract = _suappContract;
function setStoragePolicy(StoragePolicy memory policy) public {
require(msg.sender == suappContract, "Only SUAPP can update the storage policy.");
numberOfReplicas = policy.numberOfReplicas;
duration = policy.duration;
totalDataAllocation = policy.totalDataAllocation;
function calculatePrice() public view returns (uint) {
return numberOfReplicas * duration * totalDataAllocation * storagePrice;
// Additional functions as required...
contract SampleSUAPP {
StorageContract public storageContract;
constructor(StorageContract.StoragePolicy policy) {
setStoragePolicy(StorageContract.StoragePolicy policy);
function deployStorageContract(uint storagePrice) public {
storageContract = new StorageContract(storagePrice, address(this));
function updateStoragePolicy() public {
// Example policy: 100GB for a duration of 1 day with 1 replica
StorageContract.StoragePolicy memory policy = StorageContract.StoragePolicy({
numberOfReplicas: 1,
duration: 1, // 1 day
totalDataAllocation: 100 // 100 GB
// Additional SUAPP specific functions...