Bundle simulation error

Hello all,
I am trying to test simulating and sending bundles on the goerli network using js and flashbots bundle provider library. Currently working through the example from github.

Keep getting this error when trying to simulate a bundle:
“error”: {
“message”: “err: %!w(); txhash 0xce0fe207a0036c51ea4460f180a036952e6554f252422d076e1b92d2b7618021”,
“code”: -32000
Here the portion of my script for creating and simulating the bundle, have tried adding a gas limit but i made no difference.
const signedTransactions = await flashbotsProvider.signBundle([
signer: authSigner,
transaction: {
to: ‘0x5B541EED6B4E1a51050B4735E126bA8450cB2dc5’,
type: 2,
maxFeePerGas: PRIORITY_FEE.add(maxBaseFeeInFutureBlock),
maxPriorityFeePerGas: PRIORITY_FEE,
data: ‘0x’,
value: ethers.utils.parseEther(amountInEther),
chainId: 5,


		signer: authSigner,
		transaction: {
			to: '0x5B541EED6B4E1a51050B4735E126bA8450cB2dc5',
			type: 2,
			maxFeePerGas: PRIORITY_FEE.add(maxBaseFeeInFutureBlock),
			maxPriorityFeePerGas: PRIORITY_FEE,
			data: '0x',
			value: ethers.utils.parseEther(amountInEther),
			chainId: 5,	



// 6. We run a simulation for the next block number with the signed transactions
console.log(new Date())
console.log('Starting to run the simulation...')
const simulation = await flashbotsProvider.simulate(
	blockNumber + 1,

console.log(new Date())

// 7. Check the result of the simulation
if (simulation.firstRevert) {
	console.log(`Simulation Error: ${simulation.firstRevert.error}`)
} else {
		`Simulation Success: ${blockNumber}`);
        console.log(JSON.stringify(simulation, null, 2));