Amazing, thank you so much @guayabyte
- I’ve tagged all the posts as “writings”: Topics tagged writings
Great, I’ve added a direct link in the navigation bar to increase discoverability:
- It’s not clear if the research posts have to be in the research category. For now I’ve moved all of them to The Flashbots Ship - The Flashbots Collective
Imo the posts should be categorized as if they were posted today on the forum. So research-related content under research. The writings -tag will act as an aggregated view of all posts.
- I’m not sure what to do with The Cost of Resilience and The Future of MEV is SUAVE. For now, I didn’t touch them.
Let’s keep these as is! Just need a way to direct the reader from Writings to the corresponding forum-thread.
Will sync with @deadpine and explore solutions that are a bit more elegant than shoehorning in a hyperlink at the top of each post.
- Every time you edit the post you will have to change the timestamp, so it doesn’t go to the top.
Good to know! I will wait with adding tags and moving research to Research until later this month, so we can coordinate