Anvil for MEVM external provider

New endpoints buildEthBlock[FromBundles] are now merged in suavex-foundry. One thing I didn’t notice before was that the simulateBundle precompile uses suavex_buildEthBlock on the backend. So now with the addition of this endpoint, you can simulate bundles from suave locally!

Now that this is working, I thought it would be helpful to post some info so others can start using it, too!

Instructions to run a local suave dev environment with suavex-anvil:

First you need to run the suave-geth devnet with the --suave.eth.remote_endpoint flag set to point to our anvil node (which we’ll run next):

if you haven’t installed suave, you can do so by running this:

curl -L | bash

This will install suave-geth into /usr/local/bin/suave-geth, so you should be able to use it in your terminal immediately.

# if you built from source, replace `suave-geth` with `./build/bin/suave`
suave-geth \
    --dev \
    --dev.gaslimit=30000000 \
    --http \
    --http.port=8545 \
    --http.vhosts='*' \
    --http.corsdomain='*' \
    --ws \'*' \
    --keystore=./suave/devenv/suave-ex-node/keystore \
    --unlock=0xB5fEAfbDD752ad52Afb7e1bD2E40432A485bBB7F \
    --password=./suave/devenv/suave-ex-node/password.txt \
    --suave.eth.remote_endpoint=http://localhost:8555 \

Also note the --suave.eth.external-whitelist flag. This setting lets precompiles that make HTTP requests (like DO_HTTPREQUEST or SUBMIT_ETH_BLOCK_TO_RELAY) target any URL.

Now that suave-geth is running, open a new terminal, and run the following to spin up suavex-anvil with a mainnet fork. Note: you’ll need the Rust toolchain installed.

# clone the repo & go into its directory
git clone
cd suavex-foundry

# run anvil with cargo
cargo run --bin anvil -- -p 8555 --chain-id 1 -f $RPC_URL

All done. Now when you send a CCR to suave-geth, it will use anvil as its eth provider for any precompiles that call suavex_ endpoints. This includes simulateBundle, ethCall, submitEthBlockToRelay, buildEthBlock, and probably more that I haven’t tested.

You can test it out with an example like Unisuapp:

Note: you’ll want to install bun and foundry if you haven’t already.

# clone repo if you haven't already, and enter its directory
git clone
cd unisuapp

# populate .env, uses pre-funded default accounts
echo "L1_CHAIN_ID=1
SUAVE_RPC_URL=http://localhost:8545" > .env

# install solidity dependencies & build contracts
forge install
forge build

# install NPM dependencies
bun install
# first run the script with DEPLOY set to deploy the contracts
# deployed contract address will be saved to `addresses.json`
DEPLOY=true bun run index.ts

# now you can run again without deploying
bun run index.ts